The Rise of HR Tech: Why HR Professionals Need to Think Like Technologists
HR isn’t just about people anymore—it’s about people + technology. The shift has been swift an...
Read MoreDo you really know the kind of AI & Data roles you need to fill at your organization to succeed? Hiring AI talent is now a conversation nearly every organization is having as the demand surges and new AI technology is rolled out every day. Non-tech companies are offering high salaries to secure AI talent, and sometimes the mission for these hires isn’t exactly clear. I often see some businesses just racing to a finish line without understanding the AI race they are in.
Here are 5 questions you should ask to determine how AI relates to your business needs and hiring initiatives:
✔Â Are you building products with AI embedded in them?
✔ Are you wanting to use AI within your organization for automation and efficiency?
✔Â Are you developing gen AI models and training your employees on how to use them?
✔Â Are you thinking about how you support the strategy and governance around this initiative?
✔Â Are you aware of the market supply and demand and in line with compensation for Data & AI talent?
It’s important for clients to really discern what makes sense for their company and then they need to hire according to that plan. The supply and demand on this talent is evident – and right now it’s incredibly skewed toward talent! There’s not enough AI & Data talent for all of the opportunities out there and high-level candidates have a ton of leverage in the hiring process. On top of that, salaries are 30% higher on average with any data and AI, ML and Blockchain skill set verse other tech roles. Regardless of the type of position, whether you are an engineer, data scientist, consultant or executive leadership – these AI candidates have numerous options to choose from. This trend is why you need to have a clear and accurate understanding of these candidates’ value and impact at your organization before you fill these types of niche positions.
As an Executive Search partner, leading my Technology practice, I often consult with clients, helping to determine what type of talent they need to hire, or understand the market climate around a leading or niche technology skill set or talent acquisition. There are some re-occurring themes and issues I see repeatedly when clients are hiring in this highly specialized area.
Some of the main AI & Data hiring mistakes I see, which in the long-term can cost you tens-of-thousands, start as simple as not have a clear and accurate job description. What seems like a basic error can cause very expensive mis-hires that ultimately wastes company resources and bandwidth.
Three basic, costly errors when seeking a qualified candidate in Data & AI include:
1. Job descriptions that are asking for 3 technical roles combined into one and are not clear on the position’s purpose or oversight.
2. Client expectations are too high for what ultimately is a “unicorn” role and not aligned with the industry and the position remains open for months while the company tries to find someone who checks all the boxes.
3. Clients don’t understand the necessary soft skills and tangible experience that’s needed for the niche AI role they are trying to fill and end up attracting the wrong candidates with mis-matched qualifications.
Throughout my career, I’ve partnered with numerous organizations to build out their AI & Data teams, identify key hiring advisors and strategists, as well as employ individual contributors. Having this kind of experience and a deep understanding of the various tiers of AI and Data positions and how they fit into an organization’s goals allows me to advise clients through the entire staff build-out process. I also give critical insight into which key positions will drive their AI projects and data needs before they start their search. Don’t wait to make a mis-hire and then course correct internally, losing valuable time and resources.
Reach out to me any time at 954-982-8527 or at [email protected] if you have any questions about hiring in the AI & Data space, and I’m happy to discuss the current trends I’m seeing as well as any advice that will give you the right information before you make a critical hire.
About the Author: Angelica Chadwick is the Managing Director in Tampa for the Technology Search practice at StevenDouglas. She has more than 20 years in recruiting, with a focus on building long-term business relationships with her clients and candidates. She is committed to finding candidates who make a difference, and companies that provide opportunities for the Technology roles she represents. She offers her clients a deep understanding of how technology helps run businesses on a day-to-day basis and can recommend ideal candidates who will help them stay ahead of the competition.
Angelica has extensive industry knowledge and an insatiable desire to stay abreast of changing trends and technologies to always be ahead of the curve for the clients and candidates she works with. Her experience includes working with various companies ranging from mid-sized businesses to Fortune 100 corporations.