The United States of America boasts the largest and most diversified economy in the world. Founded on principles of freedom, democracy and capitalism, many of the world’s leading and most respected publicly-traded, investor-backed and privately-owned companies are based in the US. Additionally, most global companies based elsewhere have operations located in the states and rely on the US economy to succeed.
The entrepreneurial spirit is alive with significant investment by individuals and investors in a myriad of industry sectors across the country. The commonality across all of these businesses is that great people make the difference.
For over 40 years, StevenDouglas has been on the leading edge, helping companies succeed through providing access to top talent for our clients. We are one of the nation’s leading Interim Resources firms with an industry agnostic client base that spans start-ups, middle-market, and large companies. Our client base includes publicly traded companies, private equity and venture capital firms, and privately owned businesses throughout the United States.