Following his Minor League Baseball career, Joe Scanio took the attention to detail, communication, relationship building, and teamwork skills he gained there and applied them to being successful in the recruiting industry. He’s driven by a strong work ethic, and truly believes in helping people. Joe is known for taking a lot of pride in his role, and his goal is to always better the life of the candidates that he connects with.
Joe’s responsibilities include talent acquisition, candidate development, assessment and client management of next generation leaders in wide range of corporate functions, including Sales, HR, Marketing, Accounting and Finance, Operations, IT, Facilities Management, and Purchasing. Past assignments and successful placements include global, Fortune 500 companies and financial firms.
Joe has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Northwestern State University. He is a member of the Big Brother Big Sister Foundation, and sponsors children through the Unbound organization. He is very passionate about helping children, also supporting Shriners Hospitals for Children and St. Jude.